The Mets Owe Me Money

We’ve all got our favorite teams to bet on. Whether it’s your home team, your alma matter or who your parents raised you to root for, bettors tend to have a few go-to teams that they are more knowledgeable about.  We also have favorite teams NOT to bet on.  Mine is the Mets.  And as far as I’m concerned, they owe me money.

I noticed this phenomenon early in the baseball season.  No matter how I’d bet the Mets, they would NEVER cash me!  I’d bet First Five, they cash full game.  I bet Over, it stays Under.  For crying out loud!  I am a sharp handicapper and have cashed a ticket with every team in the game… but not the Mets!  I’ve tried to be tricky and bet whomever the Mets are playing… nope, Mets are still in the game, no cash.  Is it bad luck?  A mental block?  Because I like the Yankees???  (Speaking of the Yankees, I feel like I should cut their pitcher, Severino, a check for how many times I’ve cashed from fading him!).

There is literally no explanation for why I can’t cash on their tickets.  The best way to handicap their games, is to not bother handicapping their games.  That is the lesson to be learned here and why I’m sharing this unfortunate betting tale.  If something is not working out for you, meaning it’s keeping your bankroll from expanding, then stop doing it!  There’s plenty of other action out there, listen to the Gambling Gods and sit that one out.  Trust me, you do NOT want teams to owe you money, like the damned Mets owe me.

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